Chapter 5 - Ensemble machine learning, deep learning#

2022 February 23


Texas Monthly, Music Monday: Uncovering The Mystery Of The King & Carter Jazzing Orchestra

Ensemble machine learning#

“Ensemble machine learning methods use multiple learning algorithms to obtain better predictive performance than could be obtained from any of the constituent learning algorithms.” ensemble example

In this manner, stacking/SuperLearner ensembles are powerful tools because they:

  1. Eliminates bias of single algorithm selection for framing a research problem.

  2. Allows for comparison of multiple algorithms, and/or comparison of the same model but tuned in many different ways.

  3. Utilizes a second-level algorithm that produces an ideal weighted prediction that is suitable for data of virtually all distributions and uses external cross-validation to prevent overfitting.

The below example utilizes the h2o package, and requires Java to be installed on your machine.

Check out some other tutorials:

The quintessential R guide:

Read the papers:

H2O SuperLearner ensemble#

Use machine learning ensembles to detect whether or not (simulated) particle collisions produce the Higgs Boson particle or not. Learn more about the data:

What is the Higgs Boson?#

“The Higgs boson is the fundamental particle associated with the Higgs field, a field that gives mass to other fundamental particles such as electrons and quarks. A particle’s mass determines how much it resists changing its speed or position when it encounters a force. Not all fundamental particles have mass. The photon, which is the particle of light and carries the electromagnetic force, has no mass at all.” (


Install h2o and Java#

# !pip install h2o

# Requires install of Java


import h2o
from h2o.estimators.random_forest import H2ORandomForestEstimator
from h2o.estimators.gbm import H2OGradientBoostingEstimator
from h2o.estimators.glm import H2OGeneralizedLinearEstimator
from h2o.estimators.stackedensemble import H2OStackedEnsembleEstimator
from h2o.grid.grid_search import H2OGridSearch
from __future__ import print_function

# turn off progress bars
ModuleNotFoundError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [2], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 import h2o
      2 from h2o.estimators.random_forest import H2ORandomForestEstimator
      3 from h2o.estimators.gbm import H2OGradientBoostingEstimator

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'h2o'

Initialize an h2o cluster#

h2o.init(nthreads=-1, max_mem_size='2G')
Checking whether there is an H2O instance running at http://localhost:54321 ..... not found.
Attempting to start a local H2O server...
  Java Version: java version "1.8.0_321"; Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_321-b07); Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.321-b07, mixed mode)
  Starting server from /Users/evanmuzzall/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/h2o/backend/bin/h2o.jar
  Ice root: /var/folders/9g/fhnd1v790cj5ccxlv4rcvsy40000gq/T/tmpjvise75o
  JVM stdout: /var/folders/9g/fhnd1v790cj5ccxlv4rcvsy40000gq/T/tmpjvise75o/h2o_evanmuzzall_started_from_python.out
  JVM stderr: /var/folders/9g/fhnd1v790cj5ccxlv4rcvsy40000gq/T/tmpjvise75o/h2o_evanmuzzall_started_from_python.err
  Server is running at
Connecting to H2O server at ... successful.
Warning: Your H2O cluster version is too old (5 months and 9 days)!Please download and install the latest version from
H2O_cluster_uptime: 13 secs
H2O_cluster_timezone: America/Los_Angeles
H2O_data_parsing_timezone: UTC
H2O_cluster_version_age: 5 months and 9 days !!!
H2O_cluster_name: H2O_from_python_evanmuzzall_evfy3t
H2O_cluster_total_nodes: 1
H2O_cluster_free_memory: 1.778 Gb
H2O_cluster_total_cores: 0
H2O_cluster_allowed_cores: 0
H2O_cluster_status: locked, healthy
H2O_connection_proxy: {"http": null, "https": null}
H2O_internal_security: False
H2O_API_Extensions: Amazon S3, XGBoost, Algos, AutoML, Core V3, TargetEncoder, Core V4
Python_version: 3.8.8 final

Import a sample binary outcome train/test set into H2O#

train = h2o.import_file("")
test = h2o.import_file("")
response x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 x22 x23 x24 x25 x26 x27 x28
10.869293-0.635082 0.22569 0.32747 -0.6899930.754202-0.248573 -1.09206 0 1.37499 -0.653674 0.9303491.107441.1389 -1.5782 -1.04699 0 0.65793 -0.0104546-0.0457672 3.101961.35376 0.9795630.9780760.9200050.7216570.9887510.876678
10.907542 0.329147 0.359412 1.49797 -0.31301 1.09553 -0.557525 -1.58823 2.173080.812581-0.213642 1.27101 2.214870.499994-1.26143 0.7321560 0.398701-1.13893 -0.000819110 0.30222 0.8330480.9857 0.9780980.7797320.9923560.798343
10.798835 1.47064 -1.63597 0.453773 0.4256291.10487 1.28232 1.38166 0 0.851737 1.54066 -0.81969 2.214870.99349 0.35608 -0.2087782.548221.25695 1.12885 0.900461 0 0.9097531.10833 0.9856920.9513310.8032520.8659240.780118
01.34438 -0.876626 0.935913 1.99205 0.8824541.78607 -1.64678 -0.942383 0 2.42326 -0.676016 0.7361592.214871.29872 -1.43074 -0.3646580 0.745313-0.678379 -1.36036 0 0.9466521.0287 0.9986560.7282810.8692 1.02674 0.957904
11.10501 0.321356 1.5224 0.882808-1.20535 0.681466-1.07046 -0.921871 0 0.800872 1.02097 0.9714072.214870.596761-0.350273 0.6311940 0.479999-0.373566 0.113041 0 0.7558561.36106 0.98661 0.8380851.1333 0.8722450.808487
01.59584 -0.607811 0.007074921.81845 -0.1119060.84755 -0.566437 1.58124 2.173080.755421 0.64311 1.42637 0 0.921661-1.19043 -1.61559 0 0.651114-0.654227 -1.27434 3.101960.8237610.9381910.9717580.7891760.4305530.9613570.957818
10.409391-1.88468 -1.02729 1.67245 -1.6046 1.33801 0.0554274 0.01346592.173080.509783-1.03834 0.7078620 0.746918-0.358465 -1.64665 0 0.367058 0.0694965 1.37713 3.101960.8694181.22208 1.00063 0.5450450.6986530.9773140.828786
10.933895 0.62913 0.527535 0.238033-0.9665690.547811-0.0594392-1.70687 2.173080.941003-2.65373 -0.15722 0 1.03037 -0.175505 0.5230212.548221.37355 1.29125 -1.46745 0 0.9018371.08367 0.9796960.7833 0.8491950.8943560.774879
11.40514 0.536603 0.689554 1.17957 -0.1100613.2024 -1.52696 -1.57603 0 2.93154 0.567342-0.1300332.214871.78712 0.899499 0.5851512.548220.401865-0.151202 1.16349 0 1.66707 4.03927 1.17583 1.04535 1.54297 3.53483 2.74075
11.17657 0.104161 1.397 0.479721 0.2655131.13556 1.53483 -0.253291 0 1.02725 0.534316 1.18002 0 2.40566 0.0875568-0.9765342.548221.25038 0.268541 0.530334 0 0.8331750.7739680.98575 1.1037 0.84914 0.9371040.812364

(10000, 29)
(5000, 29)

Identify predictors and response#

x = train.columns
y = "response"

For binary classification, response should be a factor#

train[y] = train[y].asfactor()
test[y] = test[y].asfactor()

Number of CV folds (to generate level-one data for stacking)#

nfolds = 5

How to stack#

There are a few ways to assemble a list of models to stack together:

  1. Train individual models and put them in a list

  2. Train a grid of models

  3. Train several grids of models

Note: All base models must have the same cross-validation folds and the cross-validated predicted values must be kept.

1. Generate a 2-model ensemble#

Use three algorithms:

  1. random forest

  2. gradient boosted machine

  3. lasso

TODO: add RF and GBM defining characteristics

TODO: show how changing hyperparamters randomly can lead to overfitting (specifically # trees)

Train and cross-validate a random forest#

rf = H2ORandomForestEstimator(ntrees = 100,
                              nfolds = nfolds,
                              fold_assignment = 'Modulo',
                              keep_cross_validation_predictions = True,
                              seed = 1)
rf.train(x = x, y = y, training_frame = train)
Model Details
H2ORandomForestEstimator :  Distributed Random Forest
Model Key:  DRF_model_python_1645748177867_1

Model Summary: 
number_of_trees number_of_internal_trees model_size_in_bytes min_depth max_depth mean_depth min_leaves max_leaves mean_leaves
0 100.0 100.0 1893916.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 1394.0 1632.0 1502.23
ModelMetricsBinomial: drf
** Reported on train data. **

MSE: 0.19950487132058212
RMSE: 0.446659681771908
LogLoss: 0.5827049508751073
Mean Per-Class Error: 0.30843686874008425
AUC: 0.7598007062584857
AUCPR: 0.7763300405428175
Gini: 0.5196014125169715

Confusion Matrix (Act/Pred) for max f1 @ threshold = 0.4104450374569011: 
0 1 Error Rate
0 0 2150.0 2555.0 0.543 (2555.0/4705.0)
1 1 716.0 4579.0 0.1352 (716.0/5295.0)
2 Total 2866.0 7134.0 0.3271 (3271.0/10000.0)
Maximum Metrics: Maximum metrics at their respective thresholds
metric threshold value idx
0 max f1 0.410445 0.736825 260.0
1 max f2 0.239052 0.855587 344.0
2 max f0point5 0.555540 0.715899 181.0
3 max accuracy 0.520387 0.690300 200.0
4 max precision 0.999592 1.000000 0.0
5 max recall 0.095129 1.000000 386.0
6 max specificity 0.999592 1.000000 0.0
7 max absolute_mcc 0.555540 0.384066 181.0
8 max min_per_class_accuracy 0.525615 0.689896 197.0
9 max mean_per_class_accuracy 0.555540 0.691563 181.0
10 max tns 0.999592 4705.000000 0.0
11 max fns 0.999592 5294.000000 0.0
12 max fps 0.000000 4705.000000 399.0
13 max tps 0.095129 5295.000000 386.0
14 max tnr 0.999592 1.000000 0.0
15 max fnr 0.999592 0.999811 0.0
16 max fpr 0.000000 1.000000 399.0
17 max tpr 0.095129 1.000000 386.0
Gains/Lift Table: Avg response rate: 52.95 %, avg score: 52.89 %
group cumulative_data_fraction lower_threshold lift cumulative_lift response_rate score cumulative_response_rate cumulative_score capture_rate cumulative_capture_rate gain cumulative_gain kolmogorov_smirnov
0 1 0.0100 0.925816 1.794145 1.794145 0.950000 0.947710 0.950000 0.947710 0.017941 0.017941 79.414542 79.414542 0.016879
1 2 0.0200 0.896792 1.850803 1.822474 0.980000 0.909486 0.965000 0.928598 0.018508 0.036449 85.080264 82.247403 0.034962
2 3 0.0300 0.875029 1.813031 1.819326 0.960000 0.885540 0.963333 0.914245 0.018130 0.054580 81.303116 81.932641 0.052242
3 4 0.0400 0.857754 1.718602 1.794145 0.910000 0.866945 0.950000 0.902420 0.017186 0.071766 71.860246 79.414542 0.067515
4 5 0.0500 0.843810 1.680831 1.771483 0.890000 0.851600 0.938000 0.892256 0.016808 0.088574 68.083097 77.148253 0.081985
5 6 0.1000 0.788384 1.582625 1.677054 0.838000 0.814850 0.888000 0.853553 0.079131 0.167705 58.262512 67.705382 0.143901
6 7 0.1500 0.745567 1.571294 1.641800 0.832000 0.766710 0.869333 0.824605 0.078565 0.246270 57.129367 64.180044 0.204612
7 8 0.2000 0.704503 1.412653 1.584514 0.748000 0.724356 0.839000 0.799543 0.070633 0.316903 41.265345 58.451369 0.248465
8 9 0.3001 0.641026 1.352755 1.507209 0.716284 0.672193 0.798067 0.757065 0.135411 0.452314 35.275489 50.720927 0.323514
9 10 0.4000 0.584336 1.206116 1.432011 0.638639 0.611509 0.758250 0.720712 0.120491 0.572805 20.611641 43.201133 0.367278
10 11 0.5000 0.529812 1.046270 1.354863 0.554000 0.556784 0.717400 0.687926 0.104627 0.677432 4.627007 35.486308 0.377113
11 12 0.6000 0.474727 0.914070 1.281398 0.484000 0.503242 0.678500 0.657146 0.091407 0.768839 -8.593012 28.139754 0.358849
12 13 0.7000 0.418589 0.857413 1.220828 0.454000 0.447953 0.646429 0.627261 0.085741 0.854580 -14.258735 22.082827 0.328544
13 14 0.8000 0.353428 0.672332 1.152266 0.356000 0.386946 0.610125 0.597222 0.067233 0.921813 -32.766761 15.226629 0.258901
14 15 0.9004 0.272727 0.504121 1.079994 0.266932 0.314339 0.571857 0.565678 0.050614 0.972427 -49.587862 7.999424 0.153086
15 16 1.0000 0.000000 0.276839 1.000000 0.146586 0.196359 0.529500 0.528894 0.027573 1.000000 -72.316082 0.000000 0.000000
ModelMetricsBinomial: drf
** Reported on cross-validation data. **

MSE: 0.1978311557213644
RMSE: 0.44478214411255806
LogLoss: 0.579741500688161
Mean Per-Class Error: 0.2998532893000535
AUC: 0.7686270909034348
AUCPR: 0.7856172822797098
Gini: 0.5372541818068697

Confusion Matrix (Act/Pred) for max f1 @ threshold = 0.42006199163332014: 
0 1 Error Rate
0 0 2190.0 2515.0 0.5345 (2515.0/4705.0)
1 1 681.0 4614.0 0.1286 (681.0/5295.0)
2 Total 2871.0 7129.0 0.3196 (3196.0/10000.0)
Maximum Metrics: Maximum metrics at their respective thresholds
metric threshold value idx
0 max f1 0.420062 0.742756 267.0
1 max f2 0.235011 0.855768 355.0
2 max f0point5 0.560187 0.726168 186.0
3 max accuracy 0.523067 0.698300 208.0
4 max precision 0.977268 1.000000 0.0
5 max recall 0.130235 1.000000 385.0
6 max specificity 0.977268 1.000000 0.0
7 max absolute_mcc 0.560187 0.401916 186.0
8 max min_per_class_accuracy 0.523067 0.698017 208.0
9 max mean_per_class_accuracy 0.555878 0.700147 189.0
10 max tns 0.977268 4705.000000 0.0
11 max fns 0.977268 5294.000000 0.0
12 max fps 0.020000 4705.000000 399.0
13 max tps 0.130235 5295.000000 385.0
14 max tnr 0.977268 1.000000 0.0
15 max fnr 0.977268 0.999811 0.0
16 max fpr 0.020000 1.000000 399.0
17 max tpr 0.130235 1.000000 385.0
Gains/Lift Table: Avg response rate: 52.95 %, avg score: 52.85 %
group cumulative_data_fraction lower_threshold lift cumulative_lift response_rate score cumulative_response_rate cumulative_score capture_rate cumulative_capture_rate gain cumulative_gain kolmogorov_smirnov
0 1 0.0100 0.889002 1.813031 1.813031 0.960000 0.914104 0.960000 0.914104 0.018130 0.018130 81.303116 81.303116 0.017280
1 2 0.0200 0.866936 1.831917 1.822474 0.970000 0.877796 0.965000 0.895950 0.018319 0.036449 83.191690 82.247403 0.034962
2 3 0.0305 0.850000 1.780656 1.808078 0.942857 0.857113 0.957377 0.882580 0.018697 0.055146 78.065561 80.807752 0.052383
3 4 0.0400 0.836352 1.749416 1.794145 0.926316 0.843201 0.950000 0.873227 0.016619 0.071766 74.941603 79.414542 0.067515
4 5 0.0500 0.823457 1.718602 1.779037 0.910000 0.829764 0.942000 0.864535 0.017186 0.088952 71.860246 77.903683 0.082788
5 6 0.1010 0.770000 1.655280 1.716546 0.876471 0.793776 0.908911 0.828805 0.084419 0.173371 65.527968 71.654559 0.153817
6 7 0.1500 0.729441 1.518568 1.651873 0.804082 0.748726 0.874667 0.802646 0.074410 0.247781 51.856777 65.187284 0.207823
7 8 0.2000 0.694800 1.431539 1.596789 0.758000 0.711801 0.845500 0.779935 0.071577 0.319358 43.153919 59.678942 0.253683
8 9 0.3000 0.636224 1.371105 1.521561 0.726000 0.665173 0.805667 0.741681 0.137110 0.456468 37.110482 52.156122 0.332558
9 10 0.4011 0.580000 1.232897 1.448801 0.652819 0.607113 0.767140 0.707762 0.124646 0.581114 23.289706 44.880144 0.382602
10 11 0.5000 0.529246 1.050269 1.369972 0.556117 0.554347 0.725400 0.677416 0.103872 0.684986 5.026873 36.997167 0.393169
11 12 0.6001 0.479333 0.915043 1.294087 0.484515 0.503495 0.685219 0.648405 0.091596 0.776582 -8.495659 29.408712 0.375094
12 13 0.7000 0.427236 0.846928 1.230271 0.448448 0.452868 0.651429 0.620499 0.084608 0.861190 -15.307186 23.027115 0.342593
13 14 0.8000 0.364682 0.632672 1.155571 0.335000 0.395935 0.611875 0.592429 0.063267 0.924457 -36.732767 15.557129 0.264521
14 15 0.9018 0.290000 0.480492 1.079365 0.254420 0.328383 0.571524 0.562622 0.048914 0.973371 -51.950815 7.936472 0.152117
15 16 1.0000 0.020000 0.271170 1.000000 0.143585 0.215219 0.529500 0.528507 0.026629 1.000000 -72.882999 0.000000 0.000000
Cross-Validation Metrics Summary: 
mean sd cv_1_valid cv_2_valid cv_3_valid cv_4_valid cv_5_valid
0 accuracy 0.684700 0.009686 0.688000 0.683500 0.668500 0.691000 0.692500
1 auc 0.768961 0.005747 0.777448 0.764756 0.763700 0.766779 0.772118
2 err 0.315300 0.009686 0.312000 0.316500 0.331500 0.309000 0.307500
3 err_count 630.600000 19.372662 624.000000 633.000000 663.000000 618.000000 615.000000
4 f0point5 0.686030 0.008300 0.687034 0.684970 0.677061 0.699269 0.681818
5 f1 0.744774 0.007659 0.747164 0.753601 0.741520 0.748166 0.733420
6 f2 0.814755 0.016714 0.818828 0.837515 0.819545 0.804416 0.793472
7 lift_top_group 1.815754 0.126244 1.897533 1.775701 1.760890 1.660517 1.984127
8 logloss 0.579742 0.004706 0.571577 0.581464 0.582822 0.582803 0.580041
9 max_per_class_error 0.524409 0.052263 0.520085 0.570968 0.580890 0.493450 0.456653
10 mcc 0.379194 0.021935 0.389069 0.384129 0.342742 0.379066 0.400963
11 mean_per_class_accuracy 0.672491 0.015187 0.677339 0.666853 0.650241 0.676707 0.691316
12 mean_per_class_error 0.327509 0.015187 0.322661 0.333147 0.349759 0.323293 0.308684
13 mse 0.197831 0.001922 0.194467 0.198626 0.199179 0.198811 0.198073
14 pr_auc 0.786175 0.008145 0.795368 0.780520 0.791291 0.788378 0.775318
15 precision 0.651826 0.011298 0.652051 0.645764 0.639973 0.670073 0.651270
16 r2 0.205297 0.008929 0.219856 0.201582 0.198281 0.199106 0.207659
17 recall 0.869391 0.026604 0.874763 0.904673 0.881372 0.846863 0.839286
18 rmse 0.444778 0.002167 0.440985 0.445675 0.446295 0.445882 0.445053
19 specificity 0.475591 0.052263 0.479915 0.429032 0.419110 0.506550 0.543347
Scoring History: 
timestamp duration number_of_trees training_rmse training_logloss training_auc training_pr_auc training_lift training_classification_error
0 2022-02-24 16:17:21 20.602 sec 0.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 2022-02-24 16:17:21 20.673 sec 1.0 0.642818 14.048395 0.577384 0.589593 1.144218 0.464917
2 2022-02-24 16:17:21 20.709 sec 2.0 0.615404 11.895281 0.595767 0.598674 1.167648 0.470126
3 2022-02-24 16:17:21 20.744 sec 3.0 0.596109 10.322973 0.606984 0.606263 1.188141 0.471944
4 2022-02-24 16:17:21 20.776 sec 4.0 0.578952 8.963477 0.617051 0.613281 1.205225 0.473260
5 2022-02-24 16:17:21 20.810 sec 5.0 0.566757 7.823122 0.621447 0.619131 1.222342 0.472650
6 2022-02-24 16:17:21 20.842 sec 6.0 0.555494 6.782681 0.625539 0.623303 1.235544 0.472576
7 2022-02-24 16:17:21 20.881 sec 7.0 0.542668 5.762143 0.634190 0.632386 1.256193 0.470778
8 2022-02-24 16:17:21 20.919 sec 8.0 0.534223 5.001247 0.637938 0.634830 1.257749 0.470999
9 2022-02-24 16:17:21 20.954 sec 9.0 0.525930 4.327270 0.643458 0.638581 1.259426 0.416980
10 2022-02-24 16:17:21 20.986 sec 10.0 0.516709 3.691988 0.652861 0.649779 1.292382 0.416650
11 2022-02-24 16:17:21 21.019 sec 11.0 0.510283 3.222738 0.659091 0.656853 1.315126 0.417606
12 2022-02-24 16:17:21 21.052 sec 12.0 0.501990 2.723957 0.669423 0.667708 1.341061 0.422262
13 2022-02-24 16:17:21 21.081 sec 13.0 0.496251 2.349060 0.675311 0.675563 1.374979 0.405793
14 2022-02-24 16:17:22 21.114 sec 14.0 0.492259 2.050819 0.679020 0.680861 1.408270 0.405386
15 2022-02-24 16:17:22 21.144 sec 15.0 0.487936 1.795128 0.684347 0.686164 1.425637 0.404943
16 2022-02-24 16:17:22 21.175 sec 16.0 0.484170 1.579896 0.689326 0.694656 1.472602 0.384615
17 2022-02-24 16:17:22 21.209 sec 17.0 0.480754 1.424860 0.693815 0.699750 1.494407 0.400180
18 2022-02-24 16:17:22 21.241 sec 18.0 0.477989 1.318464 0.698239 0.703253 1.498109 0.389139
19 2022-02-24 16:17:22 21.275 sec 19.0 0.475932 1.215350 0.701065 0.707162 1.521093 0.391439
See the whole table with table.as_data_frame()

Variable Importances: 
variable relative_importance scaled_importance percentage
0 x26 15628.322266 1.000000 0.101301
1 x28 9415.993164 0.602495 0.061034
2 x27 9318.841797 0.596279 0.060404
3 x6 7188.417969 0.459961 0.046595
4 x25 7121.043945 0.455650 0.046158
5 x23 7112.994141 0.455135 0.046106
6 x4 6268.571289 0.401103 0.040632
7 x1 5769.832031 0.369191 0.037400
8 x10 5658.928223 0.362094 0.036681
9 x2 5388.754395 0.344807 0.034929
10 x7 5388.225098 0.344773 0.034926
11 x19 5345.022461 0.342009 0.034646
12 x12 5334.650391 0.341345 0.034579
13 x5 5298.523438 0.339033 0.034345
14 x20 5295.863281 0.338863 0.034327
15 x16 5240.296387 0.335308 0.033967
16 x3 5225.997070 0.334393 0.033874
17 x8 5220.911621 0.334067 0.033842
18 x15 5183.947266 0.331702 0.033602
19 x11 5183.041504 0.331644 0.033596
See the whole table with table.as_data_frame()

Random forest test set performance#

ModelMetricsBinomial: drf
** Reported on test data. **

MSE: 0.19456237288967487
RMSE: 0.4410922498635346
LogLoss: 0.5723749503451226
Mean Per-Class Error: 0.2902132075244037
AUC: 0.7786910723119803
AUCPR: 0.8019489749908004
Gini: 0.5573821446239606

Confusion Matrix (Act/Pred) for max f1 @ threshold = 0.3900028567254543: 
0 1 Error Rate
0 0 957.0 1358.0 0.5866 (1358.0/2315.0)
1 1 280.0 2405.0 0.1043 (280.0/2685.0)
2 Total 1237.0 3763.0 0.3276 (1638.0/5000.0)
Maximum Metrics: Maximum metrics at their respective thresholds
metric threshold value idx
0 max f1 0.390003 0.745968 280.0
1 max f2 0.252355 0.861172 348.0
2 max f0point5 0.545964 0.738321 184.0
3 max accuracy 0.503137 0.710400 211.0
4 max precision 0.976952 1.000000 0.0
5 max recall 0.145391 1.000000 382.0
6 max specificity 0.976952 1.000000 0.0
7 max absolute_mcc 0.515110 0.418565 204.0
8 max min_per_class_accuracy 0.513699 0.709125 205.0
9 max mean_per_class_accuracy 0.515110 0.709787 204.0
10 max tns 0.976952 2315.000000 0.0
11 max fns 0.976952 2684.000000 0.0
12 max fps 0.040096 2315.000000 399.0
13 max tps 0.145391 2685.000000 382.0
14 max tnr 0.976952 1.000000 0.0
15 max fnr 0.976952 0.999628 0.0
16 max fpr 0.040096 1.000000 399.0
17 max tpr 0.145391 1.000000 382.0
Gains/Lift Table: Avg response rate: 53.70 %, avg score: 52.30 %
group cumulative_data_fraction lower_threshold lift cumulative_lift response_rate score cumulative_response_rate cumulative_score capture_rate cumulative_capture_rate gain cumulative_gain kolmogorov_smirnov
0 1 0.0100 0.892945 1.824953 1.824953 0.980000 0.916686 0.980000 0.916686 0.018250 0.018250 82.495345 82.495345 0.017818
1 2 0.0200 0.869782 1.713222 1.769088 0.920000 0.881167 0.950000 0.898926 0.017132 0.035382 71.322160 76.908752 0.033222
2 3 0.0300 0.854788 1.713222 1.750466 0.920000 0.862835 0.940000 0.886896 0.017132 0.052514 71.322160 75.046555 0.048626
3 4 0.0400 0.840256 1.862197 1.778399 1.000000 0.847272 0.955000 0.876990 0.018622 0.071136 86.219739 77.839851 0.067248
4 5 0.0500 0.827591 1.787709 1.780261 0.960000 0.833668 0.956000 0.868325 0.017877 0.089013 78.770950 78.026071 0.084261
5 6 0.1000 0.771550 1.623836 1.702048 0.872000 0.797458 0.914000 0.832892 0.081192 0.170205 62.383613 70.204842 0.151630
6 7 0.1500 0.726679 1.646182 1.683426 0.884000 0.748252 0.904000 0.804678 0.082309 0.252514 64.618250 68.342644 0.221412
7 8 0.2012 0.690000 1.498487 1.636364 0.804688 0.706711 0.878728 0.779748 0.076723 0.329236 49.848696 63.636431 0.276537
8 9 0.3000 0.628621 1.368376 1.548107 0.734818 0.658471 0.831333 0.739808 0.135196 0.464432 36.837582 54.810677 0.355145
9 10 0.4000 0.572950 1.180633 1.456238 0.634000 0.600572 0.782000 0.704999 0.118063 0.582495 18.063315 45.623836 0.394158
10 11 0.5000 0.521722 1.083799 1.381750 0.582000 0.545898 0.742000 0.673179 0.108380 0.690875 8.379888 38.175047 0.412258
11 12 0.6000 0.469495 0.953445 1.310366 0.512000 0.494960 0.703667 0.643476 0.095345 0.786220 -4.655493 31.036623 0.402202
12 13 0.7000 0.417658 0.670391 1.218941 0.360000 0.442290 0.654571 0.614735 0.067039 0.853259 -32.960894 21.894121 0.331013
13 14 0.8010 0.360000 0.700629 1.153586 0.376238 0.389071 0.619476 0.586280 0.070764 0.924022 -29.937128 15.358595 0.265707
14 15 0.9000 0.284405 0.511634 1.082971 0.274747 0.326935 0.581556 0.557752 0.050652 0.974674 -48.836597 8.297124 0.161283
15 16 1.0000 0.040000 0.253259 1.000000 0.136000 0.209755 0.537000 0.522953 0.025326 1.000000 -74.674115 0.000000 0.000000

Train and cross-validate a gradient boosted machine#

gbm = H2OGradientBoostingEstimator(distribution = "bernoulli",
                                   ntrees = 10,
                                   max_depth = 3,
                                   min_rows = 2,
                                   learn_rate = 0.2,
                                   nfolds = nfolds,
                                   fold_assignment = "Modulo",
                                   keep_cross_validation_predictions = True,
                                   seed = 1)
gbm.train(x = x, y = y, training_frame = train)
Model Details
H2OGradientBoostingEstimator :  Gradient Boosting Machine
Model Key:  GBM_model_python_1645663571276_2785

Model Summary: 
number_of_trees number_of_internal_trees model_size_in_bytes min_depth max_depth mean_depth min_leaves max_leaves mean_leaves
0 10.0 10.0 1579.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 8.0 8.0 8.0
ModelMetricsBinomial: gbm
** Reported on train data. **

MSE: 0.20052170746266884
RMSE: 0.44779650228945383
LogLoss: 0.5879177464092424
Mean Per-Class Error: 0.29613223631461116
AUC: 0.7735466157694937
AUCPR: 0.7909110775032231
Gini: 0.5470932315389874

Confusion Matrix (Act/Pred) for max f1 @ threshold = 0.4424199442800167: 
0 1 Error Rate
0 0 2433.0 2272.0 0.4829 (2272.0/4705.0)
1 1 818.0 4477.0 0.1545 (818.0/5295.0)
2 Total 3251.0 6749.0 0.309 (3090.0/10000.0)
Maximum Metrics: Maximum metrics at their respective thresholds
metric threshold value idx
0 max f1 0.442420 0.743441 244.0
1 max f2 0.335831 0.858813 324.0
2 max f0point5 0.542377 0.726119 166.0
3 max accuracy 0.507400 0.704200 192.0
4 max precision 0.790473 0.973684 3.0
5 max recall 0.158255 1.000000 394.0
6 max specificity 0.803933 0.999575 0.0
7 max absolute_mcc 0.519330 0.407039 183.0
8 max min_per_class_accuracy 0.513347 0.703507 187.0
9 max mean_per_class_accuracy 0.519330 0.703868 183.0
10 max tns 0.803933 4703.000000 0.0
11 max fns 0.803933 5245.000000 0.0
12 max fps 0.116664 4705.000000 399.0
13 max tps 0.158255 5295.000000 394.0
14 max tnr 0.803933 0.999575 0.0
15 max fnr 0.803933 0.990557 0.0
16 max fpr 0.116664 1.000000 399.0
17 max tpr 0.158255 1.000000 394.0
Gains/Lift Table: Avg response rate: 52.95 %, avg score: 52.93 %
group cumulative_data_fraction lower_threshold lift cumulative_lift response_rate score cumulative_response_rate cumulative_score capture_rate cumulative_capture_rate gain cumulative_gain kolmogorov_smirnov
0 1 0.0165 0.788097 1.831345 1.831345 0.969697 0.794128 0.969697 0.794128 0.030217 0.030217 83.134461 83.134461 0.029154
1 2 0.0309 0.779039 1.770538 1.803008 0.937500 0.780161 0.954693 0.787619 0.025496 0.055713 77.053824 80.300766 0.052737
2 3 0.0403 0.769898 1.727844 1.785476 0.914894 0.776514 0.945409 0.785029 0.016242 0.071955 72.784441 78.547579 0.067279
3 4 0.0520 0.766379 1.662591 1.757827 0.880342 0.767629 0.930769 0.781114 0.019452 0.091407 66.259090 75.782669 0.083756
4 5 0.1019 0.733553 1.680415 1.719918 0.889780 0.746516 0.910697 0.764171 0.083853 0.175260 68.041465 71.991834 0.155919
5 6 0.1501 0.703064 1.586872 1.677195 0.840249 0.720131 0.888075 0.750029 0.076487 0.251747 58.687245 67.719474 0.216040
6 7 0.2100 0.672701 1.475547 1.619677 0.781302 0.681960 0.857619 0.730613 0.088385 0.340132 47.554706 61.967714 0.276583
7 8 0.3003 0.631813 1.294604 1.521928 0.685493 0.653431 0.805861 0.707405 0.116903 0.457035 29.460397 52.192787 0.333124
8 9 0.4003 0.582373 1.242682 1.452169 0.658000 0.607055 0.768923 0.682336 0.124268 0.581303 24.268178 45.216866 0.384704
9 10 0.5000 0.519662 1.102458 1.382436 0.583751 0.552458 0.732000 0.656438 0.109915 0.691218 10.245751 38.243626 0.406415
10 11 0.6000 0.470374 0.906516 1.303116 0.480000 0.494559 0.690000 0.629458 0.090652 0.781870 -9.348442 30.311615 0.386546
11 12 0.7004 0.436366 0.795684 1.230377 0.421315 0.451070 0.651485 0.603887 0.079887 0.861756 -20.431588 23.037746 0.342947
12 13 0.8000 0.408689 0.584017 1.149906 0.309237 0.422132 0.608875 0.581258 0.058168 0.919924 -41.598310 14.990557 0.254887
13 14 0.9009 0.350489 0.580236 1.086103 0.307235 0.385621 0.575092 0.559347 0.058546 0.978470 -41.976414 8.610307 0.164868
14 15 1.0000 0.116664 0.217253 1.000000 0.115035 0.256620 0.529500 0.529347 0.021530 1.000000 -78.274728 0.000000 0.000000
ModelMetricsBinomial: gbm
** Reported on cross-validation data. **

MSE: 0.20591759601729728
RMSE: 0.4537814408030559
LogLoss: 0.5996635025616064
Mean Per-Class Error: 0.3109957762972908
AUC: 0.752800639024444
AUCPR: 0.7705701530928649
Gini: 0.5056012780488881

Confusion Matrix (Act/Pred) for max f1 @ threshold = 0.4159392211190996: 
0 1 Error Rate
0 0 1696.0 3009.0 0.6395 (3009.0/4705.0)
1 1 538.0 4757.0 0.1016 (538.0/5295.0)
2 Total 2234.0 7766.0 0.3547 (3547.0/10000.0)
Maximum Metrics: Maximum metrics at their respective thresholds
metric threshold value idx
0 max f1 0.415939 0.728428 268.0
1 max f2 0.279109 0.855982 346.0
2 max f0point5 0.561962 0.711702 154.0
3 max accuracy 0.517902 0.688800 186.0
4 max precision 0.835804 1.000000 0.0
5 max recall 0.158348 1.000000 392.0
6 max specificity 0.835804 1.000000 0.0
7 max absolute_mcc 0.517902 0.377372 186.0
8 max min_per_class_accuracy 0.515693 0.687354 188.0
9 max mean_per_class_accuracy 0.519427 0.689004 185.0
10 max tns 0.835804 4705.000000 0.0
11 max fns 0.835804 5287.000000 0.0
12 max fps 0.098410 4705.000000 399.0
13 max tps 0.158348 5295.000000 392.0
14 max tnr 0.835804 1.000000 0.0
15 max fnr 0.835804 0.998489 0.0
16 max fpr 0.098410 1.000000 399.0
17 max tpr 0.158348 1.000000 392.0
Gains/Lift Table: Avg response rate: 52.95 %, avg score: 52.91 %
group cumulative_data_fraction lower_threshold lift cumulative_lift response_rate score cumulative_response_rate cumulative_score capture_rate cumulative_capture_rate gain cumulative_gain kolmogorov_smirnov
0 1 0.0101 0.789519 1.776382 1.776382 0.940594 0.800149 0.940594 0.800149 0.017941 0.017941 77.638160 77.638160 0.016666
1 2 0.0204 0.781367 1.815231 1.795997 0.961165 0.785390 0.950980 0.792698 0.018697 0.036638 81.523144 79.599696 0.034513
2 3 0.0335 0.778060 1.715575 1.764548 0.908397 0.779096 0.934328 0.787379 0.022474 0.059112 71.557497 76.454836 0.054436
3 4 0.0407 0.771218 1.678733 1.749367 0.888889 0.774200 0.926290 0.785047 0.012087 0.071199 67.873256 74.936719 0.064823
4 5 0.0523 0.764063 1.693204 1.736910 0.896552 0.766315 0.919694 0.780893 0.019641 0.090840 69.320439 73.691043 0.081914
5 6 0.1010 0.729840 1.609360 1.675408 0.852156 0.745647 0.887129 0.763898 0.078376 0.169216 60.935988 67.540833 0.144987
6 7 0.1501 0.699633 1.565478 1.639448 0.828921 0.716835 0.868088 0.748503 0.076865 0.246081 56.547794 63.944843 0.203998
7 8 0.2000 0.675508 1.426839 1.586402 0.755511 0.686070 0.840000 0.732926 0.071199 0.317280 42.683857 58.640227 0.249268
8 9 0.3000 0.628903 1.318225 1.497010 0.698000 0.649476 0.792667 0.705109 0.131822 0.449103 31.822474 49.700976 0.316903
9 10 0.4000 0.579228 1.218130 1.427290 0.645000 0.605317 0.755750 0.680161 0.121813 0.570916 21.813031 42.728990 0.363265
10 11 0.5000 0.520964 1.059490 1.353730 0.561000 0.550914 0.716800 0.654312 0.105949 0.676865 5.949008 35.372993 0.375909
11 12 0.6000 0.470755 0.900850 1.278250 0.477000 0.494393 0.676833 0.627659 0.090085 0.766950 -9.915014 27.824992 0.354835
12 13 0.7009 0.438080 0.758050 1.203363 0.401388 0.452376 0.637181 0.602425 0.076487 0.843437 -24.194993 20.336311 0.302948
13 14 0.8003 0.407245 0.714390 1.142631 0.378270 0.423648 0.605023 0.580221 0.071010 0.914448 -28.560979 14.263100 0.242609
14 15 0.9001 0.350168 0.580954 1.080354 0.307615 0.382479 0.572048 0.558296 0.057979 0.972427 -41.904583 8.035420 0.153723
15 16 1.0000 0.098410 0.276008 1.000000 0.146146 0.265874 0.529500 0.529083 0.027573 1.000000 -72.399217 0.000000 0.000000
Cross-Validation Metrics Summary: 
mean sd cv_1_valid cv_2_valid cv_3_valid cv_4_valid cv_5_valid
0 accuracy 0.662000 0.011028 0.660500 0.659000 0.647500 0.665000 0.678000
1 auc 0.753708 0.008455 0.767336 0.754202 0.749615 0.744636 0.752753
2 err 0.338000 0.011028 0.339500 0.341000 0.352500 0.335000 0.322000
3 err_count 676.000000 22.056746 679.000000 682.000000 705.000000 670.000000 644.000000
4 f0point5 0.667733 0.006292 0.664405 0.665501 0.660570 0.676335 0.671854
5 f1 0.732593 0.011290 0.734662 0.743802 0.733056 0.737666 0.713778
6 f2 0.812088 0.030635 0.821535 0.842984 0.823409 0.811230 0.761282
7 lift_top_group 1.770414 0.119520 1.897533 1.715529 1.677038 1.660517 1.901455
8 logloss 0.599664 0.005876 0.590319 0.597491 0.603376 0.604522 0.602610
9 max_per_class_error 0.581695 0.083577 0.597252 0.647312 0.644951 0.576419 0.442540
10 mcc 0.336792 0.022258 0.340809 0.343997 0.303925 0.330306 0.364922
11 mean_per_class_accuracy 0.647136 0.018742 0.647294 0.638961 0.626088 0.646292 0.677043
12 mean_per_class_error 0.352864 0.018742 0.352705 0.361039 0.373912 0.353708 0.322957
13 mse 0.205918 0.002593 0.201783 0.204980 0.207443 0.208073 0.207309
14 pr_auc 0.771801 0.013353 0.792843 0.772931 0.772372 0.762701 0.758159
15 precision 0.630703 0.012138 0.624585 0.621859 0.619718 0.640816 0.646538
16 r2 0.172814 0.011294 0.190509 0.176042 0.165018 0.161792 0.170710
17 recall 0.875966 0.048658 0.891841 0.925234 0.897127 0.869004 0.796627
18 rmse 0.453774 0.002864 0.449202 0.452747 0.455459 0.456151 0.455312
19 specificity 0.418305 0.083577 0.402748 0.352688 0.355049 0.423581 0.557460
Scoring History: 
timestamp duration number_of_trees training_rmse training_logloss training_auc training_pr_auc training_lift training_classification_error
0 2022-02-23 16:50:42 0.998 sec 0.0 0.499129 0.691406 0.500000 0.529500 1.000000 0.4705
1 2022-02-23 16:50:42 1.023 sec 1.0 0.488236 0.669779 0.689191 0.674970 1.340835 0.3927
2 2022-02-23 16:50:42 1.037 sec 2.0 0.479807 0.653146 0.719111 0.725388 1.545030 0.3958
3 2022-02-23 16:50:42 1.051 sec 3.0 0.473698 0.641037 0.724650 0.731284 1.569032 0.3933
4 2022-02-23 16:50:42 1.066 sec 4.0 0.467046 0.627816 0.746638 0.760063 1.683844 0.3692
5 2022-02-23 16:50:42 1.080 sec 5.0 0.462994 0.619629 0.750899 0.766012 1.696473 0.3404
6 2022-02-23 16:50:42 1.096 sec 6.0 0.458301 0.609973 0.756603 0.772386 1.733566 0.3515
7 2022-02-23 16:50:42 1.118 sec 7.0 0.455569 0.604192 0.758101 0.773795 1.748075 0.3512
8 2022-02-23 16:50:42 1.136 sec 8.0 0.452777 0.598335 0.763715 0.778986 1.754413 0.3180
9 2022-02-23 16:50:42 1.154 sec 9.0 0.449743 0.591929 0.768491 0.784821 1.776659 0.3207
10 2022-02-23 16:50:42 1.173 sec 10.0 0.447797 0.587918 0.773547 0.790911 1.831345 0.3090
Variable Importances: 
variable relative_importance scaled_importance percentage
0 x26 565.332336 1.000000 0.410859
1 x28 204.503998 0.361741 0.148625
2 x27 189.230789 0.334725 0.137525
3 x23 124.527618 0.220273 0.090501
4 x6 121.551117 0.215008 0.088338
5 x25 99.598267 0.176176 0.072384
6 x4 44.359753 0.078467 0.032239
7 x10 18.008587 0.031855 0.013088
8 x22 3.660778 0.006475 0.002660
9 x18 3.097153 0.005478 0.002251
10 x5 2.104541 0.003723 0.001529
11 x1 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
12 x2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
13 x3 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
14 x7 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
15 x8 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
16 x9 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
17 x11 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
18 x12 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
19 x13 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
See the whole table with table.as_data_frame()

Gradient boosted machine test set performance#

ModelMetricsBinomial: gbm
** Reported on test data. **

MSE: 0.20579980230216896
RMSE: 0.453651630992515
LogLoss: 0.5991607617229083
Mean Per-Class Error: 0.3132779098342524
AUC: 0.7522686229794354
AUCPR: 0.7766705936284869
Gini: 0.5045372459588708

Confusion Matrix (Act/Pred) for max f1 @ threshold = 0.42008076282776335: 
0 1 Error Rate
0 0 948.0 1367.0 0.5905 (1367.0/2315.0)
1 1 325.0 2360.0 0.121 (325.0/2685.0)
2 Total 1273.0 3727.0 0.3384 (1692.0/5000.0)
Maximum Metrics: Maximum metrics at their respective thresholds
metric threshold value idx
0 max f1 0.420081 0.736120 265.0
1 max f2 0.271036 0.859410 354.0
2 max f0point5 0.544346 0.716075 160.0
3 max accuracy 0.484325 0.682800 209.0
4 max precision 0.788080 0.977778 4.0
5 max recall 0.143335 1.000000 396.0
6 max specificity 0.803916 0.999568 0.0
7 max absolute_mcc 0.544346 0.374728 160.0
8 max min_per_class_accuracy 0.506104 0.676890 192.0
9 max mean_per_class_accuracy 0.544346 0.686722 160.0
10 max tns 0.803916 2314.000000 0.0
11 max fns 0.803916 2663.000000 0.0
12 max fps 0.116664 2315.000000 399.0
13 max tps 0.143335 2685.000000 396.0
14 max tnr 0.803916 0.999568 0.0
15 max fnr 0.803916 0.991806 0.0
16 max fpr 0.116664 1.000000 399.0
17 max tpr 0.143335 1.000000 396.0
Gains/Lift Table: Avg response rate: 53.70 %, avg score: 52.40 %
group cumulative_data_fraction lower_threshold lift cumulative_lift response_rate score cumulative_response_rate cumulative_score capture_rate cumulative_capture_rate gain cumulative_gain kolmogorov_smirnov
0 1 0.0178 0.788097 1.820350 1.820350 0.977528 0.793217 0.977528 0.793217 0.032402 0.032402 82.035026 82.035026 0.031538
1 2 0.0316 0.779039 1.700267 1.767909 0.913043 0.779782 0.949367 0.787350 0.023464 0.055866 70.026718 76.790892 0.052410
2 3 0.0406 0.771638 1.779433 1.770464 0.955556 0.776606 0.950739 0.784968 0.016015 0.071881 77.943306 77.046353 0.067561
3 4 0.0532 0.766379 1.507493 1.708181 0.809524 0.767939 0.917293 0.780935 0.018994 0.090875 50.749313 70.818107 0.081372
4 5 0.1000 0.728488 1.639370 1.675978 0.880342 0.745772 0.900000 0.764479 0.076723 0.167598 63.937035 67.597765 0.145999
5 6 0.1502 0.692784 1.468984 1.606796 0.788845 0.713905 0.862850 0.747576 0.073743 0.241341 46.898440 60.679615 0.196848
6 7 0.2014 0.670097 1.513035 1.582960 0.812500 0.676769 0.850050 0.729575 0.077467 0.318808 51.303538 58.296025 0.253581
7 8 0.3022 0.624524 1.296887 1.487540 0.696429 0.647864 0.798809 0.702320 0.130726 0.449534 29.688747 48.753955 0.318217
8 9 0.4002 0.571753 1.189526 1.414563 0.638776 0.598000 0.759620 0.676774 0.116574 0.566108 18.952609 41.456274 0.358333
9 10 0.5002 0.508286 1.027933 1.337268 0.552000 0.540824 0.718113 0.649595 0.102793 0.668901 2.793296 33.726770 0.364366
10 11 0.6000 0.462089 0.914305 1.266915 0.490982 0.486185 0.680333 0.622415 0.091248 0.760149 -8.569467 26.691496 0.345894
11 12 0.7000 0.432698 0.849162 1.207236 0.456000 0.445603 0.648286 0.597156 0.084916 0.845065 -15.083799 20.723597 0.313316
12 13 0.8022 0.405301 0.645027 1.135611 0.346380 0.419238 0.609823 0.574489 0.065922 0.910987 -35.497272 13.561078 0.234961
13 14 0.9000 0.346606 0.590267 1.076350 0.316973 0.382333 0.578000 0.553608 0.057728 0.968715 -40.973293 7.635009 0.148413
14 15 1.0000 0.116664 0.312849 1.000000 0.168000 0.257595 0.537000 0.524007 0.031285 1.000000 -68.715084 0.000000 0.000000

3. Train a stacked ensemble using the GBM and RF above#

What’s going on here - anything suspicious?

ensemble = H2OStackedEnsembleEstimator(model_id = "my_ensemble_binomial",
                                       base_models = [rf, gbm])
ensemble.train(x = x, y = y, training_frame = train)
Model Details
H2OStackedEnsembleEstimator :  Stacked Ensemble
Model Key:  my_ensemble_binomial

No model summary for this model

ModelMetricsBinomialGLM: stackedensemble
** Reported on train data. **

MSE: 0.034414533979938884
RMSE: 0.1855115467563647
LogLoss: 0.18617000727747787
Null degrees of freedom: 9999
Residual degrees of freedom: 9997
Null deviance: 13828.113387424342
Residual deviance: 3723.4001455495572
AIC: 3729.4001455495572
AUC: 0.9999900453478558
AUCPR: 0.9999911890971335
Gini: 0.9999800906957117

Confusion Matrix (Act/Pred) for max f1 @ threshold = 0.4952892042214926: 
0 1 Error Rate
0 0 4692.0 13.0 0.0028 (13.0/4705.0)
1 1 3.0 5292.0 0.0006 (3.0/5295.0)
2 Total 4695.0 5305.0 0.0016 (16.0/10000.0)
Maximum Metrics: Maximum metrics at their respective thresholds
metric threshold value idx
0 max f1 0.495289 0.998491 200.0
1 max f2 0.495289 0.999056 200.0
2 max f0point5 0.550520 0.998978 192.0
3 max accuracy 0.512894 0.998400 198.0
4 max precision 0.947625 1.000000 0.0
5 max recall 0.432910 1.000000 211.0
6 max specificity 0.947625 1.000000 0.0
7 max absolute_mcc 0.495289 0.996790 200.0
8 max min_per_class_accuracy 0.512894 0.998300 198.0
9 max mean_per_class_accuracy 0.512894 0.998394 198.0
10 max tns 0.947625 4705.000000 0.0
11 max fns 0.947625 5283.000000 0.0
12 max fps 0.040123 4705.000000 399.0
13 max tps 0.432910 5295.000000 211.0
14 max tnr 0.947625 1.000000 0.0
15 max fnr 0.947625 0.997734 0.0
16 max fpr 0.040123 1.000000 399.0
17 max tpr 0.432910 1.000000 211.0
Gains/Lift Table: Avg response rate: 52.95 %, avg score: 52.69 %
group cumulative_data_fraction lower_threshold lift cumulative_lift response_rate score cumulative_response_rate cumulative_score capture_rate cumulative_capture_rate gain cumulative_gain kolmogorov_smirnov
0 1 0.01 0.939745 1.888574 1.888574 1.000 0.943046 1.000000 0.943046 0.018886 0.018886 88.857413 88.857413 0.018886
1 2 0.02 0.935499 1.888574 1.888574 1.000 0.937644 1.000000 0.940345 0.018886 0.037771 88.857413 88.857413 0.037771
2 3 0.03 0.932326 1.888574 1.888574 1.000 0.933926 1.000000 0.938205 0.018886 0.056657 88.857413 88.857413 0.056657
3 4 0.04 0.929278 1.888574 1.888574 1.000 0.930792 1.000000 0.936352 0.018886 0.075543 88.857413 88.857413 0.075543
4 5 0.05 0.926211 1.888574 1.888574 1.000 0.927677 1.000000 0.934617 0.018886 0.094429 88.857413 88.857413 0.094429
5 6 0.10 0.912796 1.888574 1.888574 1.000 0.919384 1.000000 0.927000 0.094429 0.188857 88.857413 88.857413 0.188857
6 7 0.15 0.899271 1.888574 1.888574 1.000 0.905914 1.000000 0.919971 0.094429 0.283286 88.857413 88.857413 0.283286
7 8 0.20 0.883838 1.888574 1.888574 1.000 0.891593 1.000000 0.912877 0.094429 0.377715 88.857413 88.857413 0.377715
8 9 0.30 0.849319 1.888574 1.888574 1.000 0.867316 1.000000 0.897690 0.188857 0.566572 88.857413 88.857413 0.566572
9 10 0.40 0.794174 1.888574 1.888574 1.000 0.824146 1.000000 0.879304 0.188857 0.755430 88.857413 88.857413 0.755430
10 11 0.50 0.693718 1.888574 1.888574 1.000 0.750479 1.000000 0.853539 0.188857 0.944287 88.857413 88.857413 0.944287
11 12 0.60 0.267411 0.557129 1.666667 0.295 0.427287 0.882500 0.782497 0.055713 1.000000 -44.287063 66.666667 0.850159
12 13 0.70 0.180121 0.000000 1.428571 0.000 0.216202 0.756429 0.701598 0.000000 1.000000 -100.000000 42.857143 0.637620
13 14 0.80 0.138450 0.000000 1.250000 0.000 0.157657 0.661875 0.633605 0.000000 1.000000 -100.000000 25.000000 0.425080
14 15 0.90 0.104401 0.000000 1.111111 0.000 0.122343 0.588333 0.576798 0.000000 1.000000 -100.000000 11.111111 0.212540
15 16 1.00 0.038562 0.000000 1.000000 0.000 0.077432 0.529500 0.526862 0.000000 1.000000 -100.000000 0.000000 0.000000

Ensemble performance on test set#

perf_stack_test = ensemble.model_performance(test)
ModelMetricsBinomialGLM: stackedensemble
** Reported on test data. **

MSE: 0.19097357833656903
RMSE: 0.43700523833996435
LogLoss: 0.5620616630522318
Null degrees of freedom: 4999
Residual degrees of freedom: 4997
Null deviance: 6905.196403260959
Residual deviance: 5620.616630522318
AIC: 5626.616630522318
AUC: 0.7787452892036794
AUCPR: 0.8019528045514408
Gini: 0.5574905784073587

Confusion Matrix (Act/Pred) for max f1 @ threshold = 0.3261076325075436: 
0 1 Error Rate
0 0 971.0 1344.0 0.5806 (1344.0/2315.0)
1 1 285.0 2400.0 0.1061 (285.0/2685.0)
2 Total 1256.0 3744.0 0.3258 (1629.0/5000.0)
Maximum Metrics: Maximum metrics at their respective thresholds
metric threshold value idx
0 max f1 0.326108 0.746617 288.0
1 max f2 0.150854 0.860876 365.0
2 max f0point5 0.609668 0.740688 155.0
3 max accuracy 0.486185 0.708400 212.0
4 max precision 0.942076 1.000000 0.0
5 max recall 0.087693 1.000000 389.0
6 max specificity 0.942076 1.000000 0.0
7 max absolute_mcc 0.543978 0.420678 186.0
8 max min_per_class_accuracy 0.502175 0.704968 204.0
9 max mean_per_class_accuracy 0.543978 0.710596 186.0
10 max tns 0.942076 2315.000000 0.0
11 max fns 0.942076 2683.000000 0.0
12 max fps 0.049868 2315.000000 399.0
13 max tps 0.087693 2685.000000 389.0
14 max tnr 0.942076 1.000000 0.0
15 max fnr 0.942076 0.999255 0.0
16 max fpr 0.049868 1.000000 399.0
17 max tpr 0.087693 1.000000 389.0
Gains/Lift Table: Avg response rate: 53.70 %, avg score: 52.14 %
group cumulative_data_fraction lower_threshold lift cumulative_lift response_rate score cumulative_response_rate cumulative_score capture_rate cumulative_capture_rate gain cumulative_gain kolmogorov_smirnov
0 1 0.01 0.916338 1.862197 1.862197 1.000 0.924969 1.000000 0.924969 0.018622 0.018622 86.219739 86.219739 0.018622
1 2 0.02 0.909256 1.713222 1.787709 0.920 0.912814 0.960000 0.918892 0.017132 0.035754 71.322160 78.770950 0.034026
2 3 0.03 0.900496 1.713222 1.762880 0.920 0.905124 0.946667 0.914302 0.017132 0.052886 71.322160 76.288020 0.049431
3 4 0.04 0.893308 1.824953 1.778399 0.980 0.896996 0.955000 0.909976 0.018250 0.071136 82.495345 77.839851 0.067248
4 5 0.05 0.884151 1.750466 1.772812 0.940 0.889545 0.952000 0.905890 0.017505 0.088641 75.046555 77.281192 0.083457
5 6 0.10 0.844421 1.653631 1.713222 0.888 0.864111 0.920000 0.885000 0.082682 0.171322 65.363128 71.322160 0.154044
6 7 0.15 0.803300 1.608939 1.678461 0.864 0.824145 0.901333 0.864715 0.080447 0.251769 60.893855 67.846058 0.219804
7 8 0.20 0.768014 1.482309 1.629423 0.796 0.786533 0.875000 0.845170 0.074115 0.325885 48.230912 62.942272 0.271889
8 9 0.30 0.690902 1.337058 1.531968 0.718 0.730971 0.822667 0.807103 0.133706 0.459590 33.705773 53.196772 0.344688
9 10 0.40 0.605813 1.284916 1.470205 0.690 0.647687 0.789500 0.767249 0.128492 0.588082 28.491620 47.020484 0.406224
10 11 0.50 0.513835 1.035382 1.383240 0.556 0.561543 0.742800 0.726108 0.103538 0.691620 3.538175 38.324022 0.413866
11 12 0.60 0.434118 0.912477 1.304780 0.490 0.474993 0.700667 0.684256 0.091248 0.782868 -8.752328 30.477964 0.394963
12 13 0.70 0.360893 0.744879 1.224794 0.400 0.396396 0.657714 0.643133 0.074488 0.857356 -25.512104 22.479383 0.339861
13 14 0.80 0.289899 0.666667 1.155028 0.358 0.324702 0.620250 0.603329 0.066667 0.924022 -33.333333 15.502793 0.267867
14 15 0.90 0.202715 0.491620 1.081316 0.264 0.250001 0.580667 0.564070 0.049162 0.973184 -50.837989 8.131595 0.158066
15 16 1.00 0.049055 0.268156 1.000000 0.144 0.137303 0.537000 0.521394 0.026816 1.000000 -73.184358 0.000000 0.000000

Compare to base learner performance on the test set#

The ensemble is a little better, but it is still pretty close…

perf_gbm_test = gbm.model_performance(test)
perf_rf_test = rf.model_performance(test)
baselearner_best_auc_test = max(perf_gbm_test.auc(), perf_rf_test.auc())
stack_auc_test = perf_stack_test.auc()
print("Best Base-learner Test AUC:  {0}".format(baselearner_best_auc_test))
print("Ensemble Test AUC:  {0}".format(stack_auc_test))
Best Base-learner Test AUC:  0.7786910723119803
Ensemble Test AUC:  0.7787452892036794

Generate predictions on a test set (if neccessary)#

predictions = ensemble.predict(test)
predict p0 p1
00.70526 0.29474
00.71747 0.28253

4. Generate a random grid of models and stack them together#

Specify GBM hyperparameters for the grid#

Keep in mind it might be easier to define sequences of numbers for your various hyperparameter tunings.

Also, exponential and logarithmic scales are probably preferred to linear ones.

hyper_params = {"learn_rate": [0.01, 0.03, 0.05, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.7, 0.8],
                "max_depth": [3, 4, 5, 6, 9],
                "sample_rate": [0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0],
                "col_sample_rate": [0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8]}
search_criteria = {"strategy": "RandomDiscrete", "max_models": 3, "seed": 1}
# Train the grid
grid = H2OGridSearch(model=H2OGradientBoostingEstimator(ntrees = 10,
                                                        seed = 1,
                                                        nfolds = nfolds,
                                                        fold_assignment = 'Modulo',
                                                        keep_cross_validation_predictions = True),
grid.train(x=x, y=y, training_frame=train)
    col_sample_rate learn_rate max_depth sample_rate  \
0               0.4        0.8         3         0.7   
1               0.2        0.8         4         0.8   
2               0.7       0.03         5         0.9   

                   model_ids             logloss  
0  gbm_grid_binomial_model_3     0.5866851338931  
1  gbm_grid_binomial_model_2  0.6144661087268164  
2  gbm_grid_binomial_model_1  0.6535517466453371  

5. Train a stacked ensemble using the GBM grid#

ensemble = H2OStackedEnsembleEstimator(model_id = "my_ensemble_gbm_grid_binomial",
                                       base_models = grid.model_ids)
ensemble.train(x = x, y = y, training_frame = train)
Model Details
H2OStackedEnsembleEstimator :  Stacked Ensemble
Model Key:  my_ensemble_gbm_grid_binomial

No model summary for this model

ModelMetricsBinomialGLM: stackedensemble
** Reported on train data. **

MSE: 0.17897505903570504
RMSE: 0.42305443980143387
LogLoss: 0.5357403550336852
Null degrees of freedom: 9999
Residual degrees of freedom: 9996
Null deviance: 13828.113387424342
Residual deviance: 10714.807100673706
AIC: 10722.807100673706
AUC: 0.8093464349400262
AUCPR: 0.8219046127206588
Gini: 0.6186928698800525

Confusion Matrix (Act/Pred) for max f1 @ threshold = 0.4037334009318257: 
0 1 Error Rate
0 0 2723.0 1982.0 0.4213 (1982.0/4705.0)
1 1 779.0 4516.0 0.1471 (779.0/5295.0)
2 Total 3502.0 6498.0 0.2761 (2761.0/10000.0)
Maximum Metrics: Maximum metrics at their respective thresholds
metric threshold value idx
0 max f1 0.403733 0.765878 248.0
1 max f2 0.241819 0.864462 330.0
2 max f0point5 0.579602 0.756389 167.0
3 max accuracy 0.515885 0.734700 195.0
4 max precision 0.904517 1.000000 0.0
5 max recall 0.118691 1.000000 385.0
6 max specificity 0.904517 1.000000 0.0
7 max absolute_mcc 0.515885 0.467751 195.0
8 max min_per_class_accuracy 0.528054 0.731350 190.0
9 max mean_per_class_accuracy 0.515885 0.733957 195.0
10 max tns 0.904517 4705.000000 0.0
11 max fns 0.904517 5281.000000 0.0
12 max fps 0.077394 4705.000000 399.0
13 max tps 0.118691 5295.000000 385.0
14 max tnr 0.904517 1.000000 0.0
15 max fnr 0.904517 0.997356 0.0
16 max fpr 0.077394 1.000000 399.0
17 max tpr 0.118691 1.000000 385.0
Gains/Lift Table: Avg response rate: 52.95 %, avg score: 52.96 %
group cumulative_data_fraction lower_threshold lift cumulative_lift response_rate score cumulative_response_rate cumulative_score capture_rate cumulative_capture_rate gain cumulative_gain kolmogorov_smirnov
0 1 0.01 0.887257 1.869688 1.869688 0.990 0.893840 0.990000 0.893840 0.018697 0.018697 86.968839 86.968839 0.018484
1 2 0.02 0.879296 1.794145 1.831917 0.950 0.883362 0.970000 0.888601 0.017941 0.036638 79.414542 83.191690 0.035363
2 3 0.03 0.872364 1.850803 1.838212 0.980 0.875594 0.973333 0.884265 0.018508 0.055146 85.080264 83.821215 0.053446
3 4 0.04 0.866487 1.775260 1.822474 0.940 0.869257 0.965000 0.880513 0.017753 0.072899 77.525968 82.247403 0.069923
4 5 0.05 0.860642 1.756374 1.809254 0.930 0.863476 0.958000 0.877106 0.017564 0.090463 75.637394 80.925401 0.085999
5 6 0.10 0.834422 1.688385 1.748820 0.894 0.847602 0.926000 0.862354 0.084419 0.174882 68.838527 74.881964 0.159154
6 7 0.15 0.807362 1.650614 1.716084 0.874 0.821115 0.908667 0.848607 0.082531 0.257413 65.061379 71.608436 0.228295
7 8 0.20 0.776635 1.578848 1.681775 0.836 0.792606 0.890500 0.834607 0.078942 0.336355 57.884797 68.177526 0.289809
8 9 0.30 0.711611 1.423985 1.595845 0.754 0.744221 0.845000 0.804478 0.142398 0.478754 42.398489 59.584514 0.379923
9 10 0.40 0.629691 1.278565 1.516525 0.677 0.671084 0.803000 0.771130 0.127856 0.606610 27.856468 51.652502 0.439129
10 11 0.50 0.541550 1.118036 1.436827 0.592 0.587137 0.760800 0.734331 0.111804 0.718414 11.803588 43.682720 0.464216
11 12 0.60 0.445375 0.942398 1.354422 0.499 0.492175 0.717167 0.693972 0.094240 0.812653 -5.760151 35.442241 0.451973
12 13 0.70 0.357635 0.734655 1.265884 0.389 0.402200 0.670286 0.652290 0.073466 0.886119 -26.534466 26.588426 0.395577
13 14 0.80 0.287211 0.576015 1.179651 0.305 0.323135 0.624625 0.611146 0.057602 0.943720 -42.398489 17.965061 0.305463
14 15 0.90 0.212128 0.400378 1.093065 0.212 0.250433 0.578778 0.571067 0.040038 0.983758 -59.962229 9.306474 0.178020
15 16 1.00 0.076684 0.162417 1.000000 0.086 0.156392 0.529500 0.529599 0.016242 1.000000 -83.758263 0.000000 0.000000

Eval ensemble performance on the test data#

perf_stack_test = ensemble.model_performance(test)
ModelMetricsBinomialGLM: stackedensemble
** Reported on test data. **

MSE: 0.19646981512542924
RMSE: 0.44324915693707667
LogLoss: 0.5753535672126392
Null degrees of freedom: 4999
Residual degrees of freedom: 4996
Null deviance: 6905.196403260959
Residual deviance: 5753.5356721263925
AIC: 5761.5356721263925
AUC: 0.7658850264045916
AUCPR: 0.7928758222962261
Gini: 0.5317700528091831

Confusion Matrix (Act/Pred) for max f1 @ threshold = 0.35412909231741746: 
0 1 Error Rate
0 0 1068.0 1247.0 0.5387 (1247.0/2315.0)
1 1 367.0 2318.0 0.1367 (367.0/2685.0)
2 Total 1435.0 3565.0 0.3228 (1614.0/5000.0)
Maximum Metrics: Maximum metrics at their respective thresholds
metric threshold value idx
0 max f1 0.354129 0.741760 275.0
1 max f2 0.178761 0.860706 362.0
2 max f0point5 0.580789 0.727106 159.0
3 max accuracy 0.520792 0.696400 190.0
4 max precision 0.897976 1.000000 0.0
5 max recall 0.094361 1.000000 396.0
6 max specificity 0.897976 1.000000 0.0
7 max absolute_mcc 0.580789 0.394906 159.0
8 max min_per_class_accuracy 0.519258 0.695464 191.0
9 max mean_per_class_accuracy 0.579075 0.696613 160.0
10 max tns 0.897976 2315.000000 0.0
11 max fns 0.897976 2680.000000 0.0
12 max fps 0.081080 2315.000000 399.0
13 max tps 0.094361 2685.000000 396.0
14 max tnr 0.897976 1.000000 0.0
15 max fnr 0.897976 0.998138 0.0
16 max fpr 0.081080 1.000000 399.0
17 max tpr 0.094361 1.000000 396.0
Gains/Lift Table: Avg response rate: 53.70 %, avg score: 52.42 %
group cumulative_data_fraction lower_threshold lift cumulative_lift response_rate score cumulative_response_rate cumulative_score capture_rate cumulative_capture_rate gain cumulative_gain kolmogorov_smirnov
0 1 0.01 0.887794 1.862197 1.862197 1.000 0.891943 1.000000 0.891943 0.018622 0.018622 86.219739 86.219739 0.018622
1 2 0.02 0.878222 1.787709 1.824953 0.960 0.883015 0.980000 0.887479 0.017877 0.036499 78.770950 82.495345 0.035635
2 3 0.03 0.872278 1.824953 1.824953 0.980 0.875645 0.980000 0.883535 0.018250 0.054749 82.495345 82.495345 0.053453
3 4 0.04 0.865552 1.713222 1.797020 0.920 0.869065 0.965000 0.879917 0.017132 0.071881 71.322160 79.702048 0.068857
4 5 0.05 0.858329 1.750466 1.787709 0.940 0.861865 0.960000 0.876307 0.017505 0.089385 75.046555 78.770950 0.085066
5 6 0.10 0.830711 1.564246 1.675978 0.840 0.844201 0.900000 0.860254 0.078212 0.167598 56.424581 67.597765 0.145999
6 7 0.15 0.799415 1.579143 1.643700 0.848 0.815299 0.882667 0.845269 0.078957 0.246555 57.914339 64.369957 0.208542
7 8 0.20 0.768224 1.534451 1.616387 0.824 0.785330 0.868000 0.830284 0.076723 0.323277 53.445065 61.638734 0.266258
8 9 0.30 0.697137 1.333333 1.522036 0.716 0.733487 0.817333 0.798018 0.133333 0.456611 33.333333 52.203600 0.338252
9 10 0.40 0.614587 1.199255 1.441341 0.644 0.654905 0.774000 0.762240 0.119926 0.576536 19.925512 44.134078 0.381288
10 11 0.50 0.529258 1.031657 1.359404 0.554 0.572284 0.730000 0.724249 0.103166 0.679702 3.165736 35.940410 0.388125
11 12 0.60 0.439839 0.890130 1.281192 0.478 0.483960 0.688000 0.684201 0.089013 0.768715 -10.986965 28.119181 0.364395
12 13 0.70 0.362819 0.830540 1.216813 0.446 0.399804 0.653429 0.643572 0.083054 0.851769 -16.945996 21.681298 0.327795
13 14 0.80 0.291686 0.681564 1.149907 0.366 0.326802 0.617500 0.603976 0.068156 0.919926 -31.843575 14.990689 0.259018
14 15 0.90 0.209548 0.499069 1.077592 0.268 0.251839 0.578667 0.564850 0.049907 0.969832 -50.093110 7.759156 0.150826
15 16 1.00 0.081080 0.301676 1.000000 0.162 0.158619 0.537000 0.524227 0.030168 1.000000 -69.832402 0.000000 0.000000

6. Compare to base learner performance on the test set#

baselearner_best_auc_test = max([h2o.get_model(model).model_performance(test_data=test).auc() for model in grid.model_ids])
stack_auc_test = perf_stack_test.auc()
print("Best Base-learner Test AUC:  {0}".format(baselearner_best_auc_test))
print("Ensemble Test AUC:  {0}".format(stack_auc_test))
Best Base-learner Test AUC:  0.7535296885746348
Ensemble Test AUC:  0.7658850264045916

Generate predictions on a test set (if neccessary)#

predictions2 = ensemble.predict(test)
predict p0 p1

Deep learning basics#

Deep learning is a subfield of machine learning that uses a variety of multi-layered artificial neural networks to model datasets and predict outcomes.

The human brain model key terms#

The idea was originally modelled on the human brain, which has ~100 billion neurons.

  • The soma (neuron body) holds the architecture for cell function and energy processing.

  • Dendrites receive information from other neurons and transfer it towards the soma.

  • Axons send information from the soma towards other dendrites/soma.

  • Dendrites and axons are connected by a synapse.

Information transfer in the human brain#

  1. An outbound neuron produces an electrical signal called a spike that travel’s to the synapse, where chemicals called neurotransmitters.

  2. Receptors on the inbound neuron receive the neurotransmitter, to generate another electrical signal to send the original signal to the soma.

  3. Whether or not neurons are fired in simultaneously or in success depend on the strength/amount of the spikes. If a certain threshold is crossed, the next neuron will be activated.



Are deep neural networks really like the human brain?#

Deep artificial networks were originally modelled on the human brain, and many argue for and against their likeness. See for yourself by reading the below posts!

Why deep learning?#

Deep learning is ideal for all data types, but especially text, image, video, and sound because deep representative networks store these data as large matrices. Also, error is recycled (backpropagated) to update the model weights and make better predictions during the next epoch. .

To understand deep networks, let’s start with a toy example of a single feed forward neural network - a perceptron.

Read Goodfellow et al’s Deep Learning Book to learn more:

import pandas as pd

# generate toy dataset
example = {'x1': [1, 0, 1, 1, 0], 
           'x2': [1, 1, 1, 1, 0], 
           'xm': [1, 0, 1, 1, 0],
           'output': ['yes', 'no', 'yes', 'yes', 'no']
example_df = pd.DataFrame(data = example)
x1 x2 xm output
0 1 1 1 yes
1 0 1 0 no
2 1 1 1 yes
3 1 1 1 yes
4 0 0 0 no


Perceptron figure modified from Sebastian Raschka’s Single-Layer Neural Networks and Gradient Descent

Perceptron key terms:

  • Layer: the neural architecture or the network typology of a deep learning model, usually divided into variations of input, hidden, preprocessing, encoder/decoder, and output.

  • Inputs/Nodes: features/covariates/predictors/independent variables (the columns of 1’s and 0s from example_df above), but they could be words from a text or pixels from an image.

  • Weights: the learnable parameters of a model that connect the input layer to the output via the net input (summation) and activation functions. Weights are often randomly initialized.

  • Bias term: A placeholder “1” assures that we do not receive only 0 predictions of our features are zero or close to 0.

  • Net input function: computes the weighted sum of the input layer.

  • Activation function: determines if a neuron should be fired or not. In binary classification for example, this defines a threshold (0.5 for example) for determining if a 1 or 0 should be predicted.

  • Output: a node that contains the y prediction.

  • Error: how far off an output prediction was. The weights are updated by adjusting the learning rate based on the error to reduce it for the next epoch.

  • Epoch: full pass of the training data.

  • Backpropagation:

  • Hyperparameters: our definition of the neural architecture, including but not limited to: number of hidden units, weight initialization, learning rate, batch size, dropout, etc.

What makes a network “deep”?#

A “deep” network is just network with multiple/many hidden layers for handling potential nonlinear transformations.

  • Fully connected layer: a layer where all nodes are connected to every node in the next layer (as indicated by the purple arrows


Example of “deep” network with two hidden layers modified from DevSkrol’s Artificial Neural Network Explained with an Regression Example

NOTE: Bias term not shown for some reason?

Classify images of cats and dogs#

Let’s go through François Chollet’s “Image classification from scratch” tutorial to examine this architecture and predict images of cats versus dogs.

Click here to open the Colab notebook

NOTE: One pain point for working with your own images is importing them correctly. Schedule a consultation with SSDS if you need help!

You should also check out his deep learning book Deep Learning with Python (R version also available):
