
Python programming#

Free online Python books

W3 Schools list comprehensions

Data wrangling#

10 minutes to pandas

pandas getting started tutorials

Pandas data wrangling cheatsheet

Data visualization#

Overview of seaborn plotting functions

Fundamentals of Data Visualization

Text analysis#


spaCy 101

Lemmatization Approaches with Examples in Python

Regular expression operations

Regex Cheat Sheet

Machine learning#

W3 Schools machine learning

scikit-learn tutorials

scikit-learn user guide

An Introduction to Statistical Learning - with applications in R

Bishop, 2006. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning

Statistics and Machine Learning#

Breiman, 2001. Statistical modeling: The two cultures

Srivastava, 2015. Difference between Machine Learning & Statistical Modeling

Welling, 2015. Are ML and statistics complimentary?


Jupyter Book

Learn HTML


Python Anaconda Distribution 3.9